Turkey, Çanakkale








Sep 24



Sep 25



Sep 26


Located in northwestern Turkey, Çanakkale experiences a moderate mosquito situation throughout the year due to its proximity to the Aegean Sea and humid climate. The city's mosquito population peaks during the warmer months, from spring to autumn. While the mosquito situation is not severe, it is important for residents and visitors to take necessary precautions to minimize mosquito bites and reduce the risk of mosquito-related inconveniences.

Year round mosquito forecast

The main species of mosquitoes found in Çanakkale include Culex pipiens, Aedes caspius, and Anopheles maculipennis. These mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus, dengue fever, and malaria. However, the incidence of these diseases in Çanakkale is relatively low. Local authorities and health organizations actively monitor and control mosquito populations through larvicide treatments, public awareness campaigns, and regular inspections of potential breeding sites. It is advisable for individuals to use mosquito repellents, wear protective clothing, and eliminate stagnant water sources to prevent mosquito breeding around their homes.

While there is no specific vaccination required for any mosquito-borne diseases before traveling to Çanakkale, it is recommended to stay informed about potential health risks and take necessary precautions. Travelers should consult with their healthcare provider or a travel medicine specialist to assess their individual risk and receive recommendations for preventive measures. It is always best to be proactive and prepared when traveling to areas where mosquitoes are prevalent.

Mosquito-borne diseases in the area

Further information