Spain, Getafe








Mar 14

Clear Skies


Mar 15



Mar 16


The mosquito situation in Getafe, Spain can vary depending on the time of year and weather conditions. Located in the Madrid region, Getafe experiences a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, providing favorable conditions for mosquito breeding and population growth. Mosquito activity tends to peak during the warmer months, from spring to autumn, making it essential for residents and visitors to take preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites.

Year round mosquito forecast

Getafe, a suburban area with abundant green spaces and water bodies, is susceptible to mosquito infestations. The presence of stagnant water sources like ponds, lakes, and irrigation canals creates ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Furthermore, the proximity of Getafe to the Manzanares River further increases the risk of mosquito populations thriving in the area. To combat this, local authorities implement measures such as larviciding and awareness campaigns to control mosquito populations. However, individuals must also play a role by using repellents and eliminating standing water to reduce the chances of mosquito-borne diseases.

While Getafe, Spain is not known for prevalent mosquito-borne diseases, it is advisable for travelers to stay informed about any current health concerns in the region. It is not a requirement to vaccinate specifically for mosquito-borne diseases before visiting Getafe. However, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or check with relevant health authorities for any recommended vaccinations or precautions before traveling to a new destination.

Mosquito-borne diseases in the area

Further information